Now Registering from 36 Months to Grade 12 - Every day is Open Day at Glen Austin House
Do you want the very best education for your child?
- Exclusive schooling where we bring the very best for your child.
- Internationally acclaimed artist, to teach art and drama.
- Educated in a healthy environment.
- Small classes, with passionate teachers.
- Brought up with Christian values, ethos and positive discipline.
- State of the art technology, including tablets/e-books and interactive white boards
Do you want your child to be a well-rounded young adult?
- We will assist in the setting of educational goals for your child.
- Psych Ed offered by registered psychologist.
- A unique workshop based programme, held weekly to strength and enhance your child’s mental wellbeing.
- Life coaching, peer relationship and self-esteem issues and adolescence by our registered child psychologist.
Do you want your child to have a head start in the world through the competent use of technology?
- E-manuals.
- Microsoft Office Suite training included for grade 8.
- Basic Hardware and Software training (A+) included for grade 9.
- Basic Networking and IT technician training included for grade 10.
- Server Administrator training available for grades 11 and 12.
When admitted to this school students become part of the GLEN AUSTIN Culture and it will be expected of them to maintain a positive lifestyle, striving towards finding V.I.R.T.U.E in all they do.
The acronym V.I.R.T.U.E meaning:
- Value all that is noble (honourable, gentle and unselfish)
- Involvement (participation in school activities and duties)
- Reliability (to do your best at all times)
- Truthful (be honest)
- Uphold discipline (obedience and self-discipline)
- Empathy (place yourself in someone’s situation)
